Pre selling house in sun valley estates near clubhouse PROMENADE
PHP14,000,000.00 - PHP15,000,000.00
AMENITIES: Golf course Clubhouses Swimming pools Tennis and Basketball court Soccer field Playground Indoor badminton court Jogging trails 24/7 security Cafe in the clubhouse PROPERTY DETAILS: Lot area: 264 sqm Floor area: 167 sqm more or less 3 Bedrooms 3 Toilet and Bath 1 Powder Room Maidsroom with own toilet n bath 2 car garage SAMPLE COMPUTATION: Total Contract Price:PHP 14,000,000.00 24%Downpayment:PHP 3,360,000.00 6months to pay:PHP 560,000.00 76%Balance:PHP 10,640,000.00 5 years to pay:PHP 215,779.20 7 years to pay:PHP 176,624.00 10 years to pay:PHP 140,660.80 if CASH BUYER:PHP 14,000,000 7.5%Less Discount:PHP 1,050,000.00 Total Contract Price:PHP 12,950,000.00 |